From late July to late October

Obviously I am terrible at blogging as it’s been more than 3 months since my last submission. On July 26th, the anniversary of the crash, I spoke at the County Administration Building.  It happened to be the smallest audience I had ever spoken to, only two young ladies who were on probation for being in ...

Indian Trails Camp 2016

I spent the week of July 10-16 at Indian Trails Camp (ITC). Located in Grand Rapids, ITC is a camp for people with disabilities. It offers social and recreational opportunities for people that society generally disregards. The camp counselors are mostly college-aged men and women. The amount of patience, compassion, respect and dignity shown by ...

End of May/ All of June/ First Week of July

On Wednesday May 25th, I gave one of my presentations at Port Huron High School at the invitation of Mrs. Tricia Ford. The next day, I resumed therapeutic horseback riding with Liberty Riders at Rattle Run Farms, in St. Clair. I ride for one hour on Thursday afternoons, under the instruction of Kristen Bonapace. Besides doing ...


The picture above is me and my sister Nikki, at the Lecrae concert. My apologies, I have neglected updating this for quite some time. Over 6 months, it seems. I spent the winter in Florida. Other than seeing New Song, Building 429 and Plumb in concert in Lakeland on December 20th of last year, I really ...